As a kid growing up in the 90s, I came from a military family. One grandfather served at Pearl Harbor during the bombing (he survived). The other fought in the Korean War. My Dad was OSS during Viet Nam, and both of his brothers were in the Navy- one also in Viet Nam, the other in Operation Desert Storm. My oldest brother joined the Navy when he was old enough, and since I couldn't swim, I went into the Army when I graduated high school. I have to wonder if the military would have been such an obvious and appealing career path if I hadn't had such a deep level of connection to it already. That seems to be the case for potential enlistees nowadays. As the number of veterans decreases, recruiting numbers have plummeted.
In 2018, the military missed its recruitment numbers for the first time ever, coming in at only 7/8ths of their original plan and opting to reduce their future quotas significantly. According to Fortune, "[i]n the 1990s, about 40% of the youth market had parents who served in the military; that number is now down to 15%.". According to Katherine Helland, director of Joint Advertising Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) at the Department of Defense, "[w]e don’t have those intimate connections to military service anymore". So we have less people willing to bolster our ranks.
What does that have to do with unmanned systems? Unmanned Ground Systems provide the military with the unique opportunity to do more with less.
The United States military has been making efforts for almost a hundred years on various unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) technologies. One would think that with the exponential growth within artificial intelligence and robotics, replacing our warriors with machines would be the next logical step. Given the shrinking numbers of willing human volunteers, it even seems like the inevitable outcome. In their paper, “Bots on the ground: an impending UGV revolution in military affairs?”, author Ash Rossiter disagrees with this assumption, and so do I.
UGVs have been in use since World War II, in the form of ordnance and weapon-carrying, remote-controlled vehicles called “tele-tanks” (Rossiter, 2020). Since that point, UGV technology has been harnessed for use in surveillance, Logistics support (Rossiter, 2020), mine detection and neutralization (via the Multifunctional Utility/Logistics and Equipment vehicle or “MULE”), and even evacuating injured people from dangerous areas (Ruppert, 2010). There are certainly avenues of potential use. However, there are also technical hurdles which have yet to be cleared.
It seems nearly impossible to develop a UGV that is capable of traversing complex terrain as easily as a human being. AI has not easily found ways of adapting to these challenges. Utilizing remotely operated UGVs in these environments is not much better, as the operators frequently misjudge distances due to the lack of depth perception on their monitor (Rossiter, 2020).
“BigDog”, the incredible robot developed by Boston Dynamics via their contract with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), eventually gave way to “Spot” (see the video embedded below). Boston Dynamics began work on BigDog in 2004. In 17 years, they’ve made massive progress. However, the battery life for Spot is only about 90 minutes. Hardly a game-changer on the battlefield.
So many of these technologies are created and tested and created and tested, without being fielded in a real-world test bed or given to troops to utilize. The technologies may continue to evolve, but without adequate field testing in comparable settings to real world battle, there’s no way to know if they’ll ever be useful.
There also exists an ethical conundrum with unmanned vehicles that we have begun to experience already with the public’s concern over aerial drone strikes. Either the unmanned system will require an operator anyway, in which case we would still need to enlist people to perform that role, or it will have to be fully autonomous. These UGVs that are capable of killing are called "lethal autonomous weapons systems" (LAWS). There is an understandable level of fear when it comes to giving LAWS the power and intention to take a human life.
The look of the battlefield is bound to continue changing. As anyone who has served can tell you, though, the gear will forever lag behind the times.
(Video Credit: Boston Dynamics)
Fortune, (2020, February 22). Facing falling enlistment numbers, the U.S. Army takes a new approach to recruitment: Mom and Dad.. Fortune.
Rossiter, A. (2020). Bots on the ground: an impending UGV revolution in military affairs? Small Wars & Insurgencies, 31(4), 851–873.
Ruppert, B. (2010, November 22). Robots to rescue wounded on battlefield. Www.Army.Mil.